博士学位 Dissertation Committees

The committee for the final examination for the 博士学位 degree is appointed by the University dean of graduate studies on the advice of the appropriate associate dean of graduate studies. The committee shall consist of:

  • At least two current full-time tenure-track members with the rank of assistant professor or higher who hold their primary appointments in the department offering the degree program, or are among the core faculty defined for an interdisciplinary 博士学位 program in the role of “inside members.”
    • At least one of these is the advisor. The dissertation advisor or supervisor can have a primary or secondary appointment in the candidate’s program department and must be present for the examination.
  • At least one current full-time faculty member at assistant professor rank or higher from outside or holding a secondary appointment in the student’s department can act as an “outside reader.”
  • A committee made up of faculty members whose primary appointments are all in the same department will not be permitted.

Exceptions to the above must be approved in writing.

Further information can be found in the 博士学位 Committee MatrixRegulations and University 政策 Concerning Graduate Studies available from the University Graduate Education Office

Interdisciplinary 项目

For interdisciplinary programs, “inside” and “outside” committee members are specifically defined as follows:

  • Materials science: All faculty listed on the material science 教师页面 are considered “inside” committee members, as defined above. For “outside” committee members, any full-time faculty member at assistant professor rank or higher from outside the student’s advisor’s primary department may assume the role of an “outside” committee member and/or chair of the committee, even if listed on the Materials Science 教师页面.
  • Visual and cultural studies: All faculty listed on the 教师页面 are considered “inside” committee members, as defined above. Any full-time faculty member at assistant professor rank or higher who is not on this list may assume the role of an “outside” committee member and/or chair of the committee.
  • Biomedical engineering: Faculty listed on the biomedical engineering graduate faculty list are considered "inside" committee members, as defined above. For "outside" committee members, any faculty found on the secondary 教师页面 or any other full-time faculty member at assistrant professor rank or higher who is not on the list may assume the role of an outside member. Secondary faculty members can also superivise master's students and can co-advise 博士学位 students. 

Faculty Approved to Serve on Committees (Senior Scientists)

The following faculty have also been approved to serve on 博士学位 committees as an "inside" member in the specified program:


 Inside Department 指定




 Mechanical Engineering


 Physics and Astronomy

 R. Stephen Craxton

 Physics and Astronomy




 Mechanical Engineering

 Pawel de Barbaro

 Physics and Astronomy

 William Donaldson

 Electrical Engineering


 Physics and Astronomy


 Physics and Astronomy


 Physics and Astronomy

 Valeri Goncharov

 Mechanical Engineering

 Daniel Haberberger

 Physics and Astronomy


 Chemical Engineering


 Political Science




 Mechanical Engineering


Mechanical Engineering


 Physics and Astronomy


 Physics and Astronomy


 Mechanical Engineering


 Physics and Astronomy


 Physics and Astronomy


 Mechanical Engineering



 Tolga Soyata

 Electrical Engineering



 Marek Zielinski

 Physics and Astronomy